02 March 2012

Cnectd for iPhone version 3.1.0 released

The latest version of Cnectd for iPhone is now available on the Apple App Store for download.

The latest version includes many updates and enhancements to make your messaging experience even better.

Click here to download Cnectd.

Change log:

Performance Enhancements:
- Lagging when scrolling
- Faster Tab switching
- Faster message sending and delivery reports
- Message sending indicator

User Interface Enhancements:
- Updated Tab Bar
- Rounded images
- Failed message badges

Bug Fixes:
- Duplicate Messages
- Timestamp issues
- Blank messages
- Images sending errors
- Badges


  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Blackberry Development

  2. Thanks!

    Please keep checking back for updates.


Download Cnectd

Cnectd is a cross-platform messaging application for mobile devices. Cnectd provides real-time messaging with push notifications so that you can keep in touch with your family, friends and colleagues without paying the costs of SMS text messaging.